Lol! True. It reminds me of a House episode where he told this kid in combat boots with long hair, multiple tattoos, and piercings that he was such an individual because he was the only twenty-something that looked like that.
People don't change...
i thought this video demonstrates fairly well the psychology behind the delusion that 7.2 million jehovah's witnesses share.
it isn't so much unity or oneness of mind or a common bond of truth, but the pressure to conform.. mind control group conformity sycophants to authority.
Lol! True. It reminds me of a House episode where he told this kid in combat boots with long hair, multiple tattoos, and piercings that he was such an individual because he was the only twenty-something that looked like that.
People don't change...
i thought this video demonstrates fairly well the psychology behind the delusion that 7.2 million jehovah's witnesses share.
it isn't so much unity or oneness of mind or a common bond of truth, but the pressure to conform.. mind control group conformity sycophants to authority.
I just finished a course on Sociology and that was a video we watched. I wonder if it would be the same today? It seems conformity was more prevalent in the mid 20th century when this video was recorded.
hi all this is josephus here and im posting my disassociation letter minus any identifying details which ill leave blank.
i would like thoughts on it if poss, but not spelling tips as my girl will check it 2morrow i just wanted to see if i struck the right balence .
or maybe if i put something wrong.. thanks all josephus.
Very moving! It reminded me of pretty much every congregation I have ever been in. I felt sad for the old sister who thought she had been DF'd. Poor thing.
"higher education: jesus warned against seeking your own glory.
(john 7:18) whatever you decide as to how much secular education you will obtain, have you made sure of the more important things?phil.
1:9,10.. grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life.
You can bet someone raised a JW is a complete waste of oxygen.
I try not to be sensitive about things, but I find this comment offensive. I was a fourth generation born-in. My father was a studier and always encouraged me to study. I am in college now, but my ability to pull of a 4.0 GPA is due to a lifetime of knowing how to study and reason. I did have to break a tight bond around my mind and give up things I had spent my life believing, but I think that makes born-ins more courageous. We have to walk away from family, life long friends, and long held--and often cherished--beliefs. It is not easy and some may choose to stay out of fear of losing everything, not because they are idiots. The statistics prove that born-ins leaving the JW's is very high. Yeah, we are encouraged to read only WTS literature, but I don't know anyone who does that strictly. My own PO has a library full of novels and bios. He and his wife are avid readers and love to experience the world. They have made a choice for themselves and it is their right. Their not a waste of oxygen, they are not idiots. We all have the right to choose how we will live our lives.
our do is a southerner- his drawl makes the.
scary things he says much easier to swallow.. some highlights of his talks:.
apostates are miserable.
Dude I keep saying they need a program to turn the low performing brothers to Ministerial Servants and Elders. You be surprised how many low performing brother want a high ranking brother to mentor them, but most of these Elders and Ministerial Servants look at the low performing brothers as social pariahs .
Yeah, the CO asked an elder to reach out to my hubby and help him improve his ministry since that was all that was keeping him from getting appt. The elder liked this other brother better--he was really gregarious and popular--so he reached out to him instead and ignored my hubby who was more shy. The popular brother got appt at the next CO visit and my husband decided he was done reaching out and kissing ass. He stopped attending meetings and joined this community. I wrote a letter to the CO, trying to help him, and never heard a thing. It was like the letter was never received.
You know that makes me think. How many people on here have written letters asking for help and decided to leave the WTS based on how that letter was handled by the elders/society? Rhetorical question--not trying to hijack the OP
did you receive a 4-d classification readily?.
My dad got the 4D status during the Korean War. He was pioneering full time. Another brother in his cong was draft age and my dad told him he needed to regular pioneer but the brother didn't want to and he ended up in prison when his draft came through.
So it sounds like not a lot changed betweent the Vietnam and Korean wars.
"higher education: jesus warned against seeking your own glory.
(john 7:18) whatever you decide as to how much secular education you will obtain, have you made sure of the more important things?phil.
1:9,10.. grzegorz, the computer programmer, made some changes in his life.
Watchtower, state it as it is - a person with an education is less likely to remain a Witness, as the development of critcal thinking skills leads people to see through shallow Watchtower
reasoning, teachings, and black and white statements.
You have just hit the proverbial nail on the head! That is exactly why, and once you realize that it becomes so much more apparent what a cult they really are.
there are a great many puzzlements in regard to the meek and servile compliance of witnesses but one area has long interested me.
specifically, why don't more witness parents get angry at the do-nothing watchtower society?
i can recall one somewhat deranged elder's wife who got away with demanding to speak to the assembled body of elders because she was worried that 'all of of our kids are falling out of the truth'.
Great thread! This has been very enlightening. I was raised by a strict JW father but never looked at things the way mentioned here. Dad loved us but loyally followed the counsel of the WTS.
I need to print this out and find a way to share it with my sis-in-law. She is trying desperately to reign in her 17 year old son and he is just being a normal kid--by the worlds standards--but not good enough for the JW's. But it is their fault. The last time he tried he was about 15 and went to all the effort to make 4 homemade sweet potato pies to contribute to a local KH remodel. When he called the elder in charge to tell him about the pies and ask if he could donate them, he was told no. They didn't need them. He was so crushed he stopped trying. Now he does drugs but is still the same good kid underneath all the hurt and rejection.
i know this is a long post and i'm sorry.
but this is a paper i wrote for my sociology final this term.
i was supposed to look at some aspect of my life sociologically.
I am currently attending a community college in my area, but hoping to transfer so I can get a Bachelor's degree.
I am not aware of an official stand on 'online' courses. It would probably depend on the subject. Vocational schools are alright by some JW's standards since they usually require less time commitment and are focused.
The main thing the JW's discourage--other than the association thing as you mentioned--is teachings that would conflict with 'Bible/WTS' teachings like science or philosophy. The problem with just seeking out a degree is that some courses may be required that cause a student to question and doubt. There is a young pioneer sister in my hall who is attending the community college right now. Her dad is an elder. I keep wondering if the CO's visit this week will change all that because I keep hearing about elders being threatened with removal if their kids are in school. I guess we will see...
my wife mentioned our circuit assembly was this weekend, she looked at me and i let out a chuckle and said "the kids are too sick right?
" (they weren't) but it was what she wanted to hear, an excuse from me to blow it off.
it got us thinking about how they were kind of tolerable when we were younger.. meals with ice cream, lots of volunteering to get you out of your seat.. there was more room at past assemblies.
I'm glad you guys seem to be in this together. I remember ice cream at assemblies! My dad was always strict so I stayed in the seat no matter what--so nothings changed for me.
I was giving a massage to a sister in a nearby hall yesterday. She asked what convention me and my hubby are going to. We have decided not to go this year. So I told her we were going to a different one than her, that way if word gets around, nobody will miss us. Ahhh, the things we do to be subtle...